Desert Rage Demo Original Serious Edition
Starting turn

Fast analyze

This time you have preemptive strike.

You need to analyze your enemies and
build strategy to overcome them or
escape without any extra problems.

Let's see two different situations.

Blood army

Just encountered a whole bunch of some sort
enemies at the game start?

It's the worst situation we can imagine.

In reality we have to make choices and
in some cases the best - just to leave.

Yes, just escape from them!

Alone spider

You've encountered with one spider at LV 1.

It's the best situation we can imagine.
During the game we have main goal, and
can't just flee out dungeon like a little

So best we can do - grind the spider
as much as we can.

We need to do this in case to become
stronger. Then worst situations won't be
such dramatical.

Further more, you can grind not just
"alone Spider" but whole army.

You won't be afraid to take any damage
and, WOW, you're just had become king
of this damned place.

►I Escape

Instantly end fight.

Escape chance

∀escape ∈ Successful escape : (escape = 1)

1 ≤ escape < barrier

barrier = (All enemies / Hero) SPD

Enemies SPD
Spider A 10
Spider B 10
Spider C 10
Hero SPD
Ray 15

barrier = 30 / 15 = 2

1 ≤ escape < 2
escape = 1
1 ≤ 1 < 2
escape ∈ Successful escape

Can Escape

Hero attack blasting !

Your actions matter

After each your turn hero will act
according options selected before.

It can be various ways depending
your battle strategy.

! Enemy strikes back

"That hurts!"

Now enemy prepared to turn. Each enemy
fighting in its own style like biting,
crunching, dashing, punching etc.

The longer the battle and the weaker the
hero, the higher the probability of losing.

Oo Poison oO

Which enemy is poisonous?

You can determine it via:

  1. First bite
  2. Our docs

You're poisoned

The bad news: the poison is mortal.

The good news: you can get rid of it with...

X - X Lost...

How could it be?

Probably you lost your vigilance and...

What happened next?

  1. Stongest enemy just kicked you out
  2. Poison swallowed your hero
  3. Bunch of enemies was too fast...


Continue in the same spirit of a
complete walkthrough of the game.

Level growth - your medal

After each battle victory you'll
receive some points.

So-called EXP.

When you'll get enough your hero
will increase its level.

Or Level UP for short.

Level UP

Bring it again

After each level up your hero will
become stronger and it will be
easier for you to battle again.
